Treatment for Chicken Pox - WORLDeTALK


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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Treatment for Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox
 First of all, they were very careful in the late spring because, at that time, Chicken Pox was most likely to be infected. But now there are many changes in the climate. During the rainy season, there is a slight delay. There is a possibility of chicken pox attack at any time of the year.

Chicken Pox is a contagious disease. This is because of the vermicelli virus. Typically, signs of disease occur within 10 to 21 days of this disease. The whole body is seen reddish like a small water blossom. That's what we call chicken pox. Along with this fever, headache, body ache begins, and the patient becomes very weak. The worst part of this disease is reddish brown haircut. When this blister bursts out of water, it starts to rise further. But if it is carefully, the disease is possible without healing without any treatment. But it is better, if it is possible to prevent the disease before it can be prevented. If we are a little careful then we can get rid of this disease. Let's know, what precautions can be avoided if we can get it from Chicken Pox.

Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox

Caution over food:

1. Foods with saturated fat like fat with fat and full-fat milk. The fat that contains the viruses creates our body for the virus. So it is better to avoid this type of fatty food this time.
2. There is an amino acid called arginine which helps the chicken pox virus to enter our body. Try avoiding arginine foods. For example, chocolate, nuts and seeds do not eat any food that is good at this time.

To do Pox:

1. Do not take a bath in cold water. Bathe in light hot water. It is best if neem leaves can boil in boiled water.
2. Wash the pox with soap water. But do not get scratched.
3. Take one cup of oatmeal powder in a bucket of light hot water and bathe it with it. It will reduce the itching a lot. Oatmeal contains beta glucose and avhenthrmaide which helps reduce itching. You can also use baking soda if you want.
4. Do not go to the end of the bath to remove the towel. Dry the body as normal as possible.
5. Use olive oil or calamine lotion to reduce itching. Get benefits.

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