Benefits of Guava - WORLDeTALK


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Friday, August 10, 2018

Benefits of Guava

Benefits of Guava

Recently, a group of scientists tested the monsoon, and there is no alternative to keeping the body healthy. Not only this, there are many vital organs in the body that can work well for at least 90 years, keeping an eye on these natural ingredients too. So if I have to keep the body tight at low cost, then Guevara must be included in the daily diet.
In context, the Vitamin C, Lycopen and antioxidant present in Guava play a special role in keeping the body parts healthy and beautiful from the hair of the hair to the toe's nails. At the same time, the magnesium present in it, the body can take various nutrients that are available in the food properly. Not only this, this fruit helps in keeping the body healthy.Let's go to know today:
1. The risk of infection decreases:
Friends, just heard of it, actually the antibacterial agents present in this fruit, entering the body starts killing only harmful germs. As a result, the risk of any type of infection is reduced as well as all the poisonous components in the body also emerge. As a result, the body became enlarged. It also increases life expectancy.
2. Skin makes it brighter:
white skin
white skin

Make a blend of Guava with small amounts and mix them with egg yolk then, after 20 minutes wait for it to well when the time is rinsed with light hot water face. Thus, if you take care of skin 2-3 times a week, the skin will look bright and brighter.
3. Blood pressure regulates:
blood pressure
blood pressure
Multiple studies have found that starting every day of the Guava, the levels of potassium inside the body begin to grow, which in turn leads to blood pressure control.
4. Vision energy improves:
eye power
eye power
Due to the high levels of vitamin A, eating guava regularly causes serious health improvements. In addition, cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma diseases are also avoided.
5. The body's immune system continues to increase:
immuene system
immune system
Do you know that Guava is rich in Vitamin C, which makes the body immune system so strong that it cannot be close to any major type of disease? Not only that, Vitamin C plays a special role in protecting against various types of infections. That is why experts advise to feed the Guava from the very small times.
6. Brain Power Grows:
brain power
brain power
Vitamin B3 and B6 present in the Guava boost oxygen-rich blood supply. As a result, the cognitive function of the brain, that is, improves memory, intelligence and attention.
7. Reduce the risk of cancer:
reduce the risk of cancer
The only nature that can stop this dying disease is to grow because in nature it is the power that can keep us away from cancer. Lycopene, queracitin, Vitamin C and polyphenols present in Guava give away the harmful toxic substances in the body. As a result, the fear of getting cancer cells is very low. In fact, many studies have shown that there is no alternative to Guava to prevent breast and prostate cancer.
8. The constipation problem will be reduced:
stomac disorder
stomach disorder
If there is a decrease in stomach disorders such as increasing fiber levels in the body, the problem of constipation is also far away. The result is that Guava is the largest fiber in the world so every morning if you are in pain due to needless pain in the morning, then make Guava everyday with you today. You will see that the pain will be reduced.
9. Keeps blood sugar levels in control:
blood sugar
blood sugar
 Guava is rich in fiber, which plays a special role in controlling blood sugar levels. And since this fruit comes down to the glial index, it is not possible to increase blood sugar by eating Guava. So, diabetic patients can eat this fruit safely.
10. Reduce stress and angiopathy:
In the past few decades, almost all of the diseases that have spread to our world as well as the world over have a direct link with stress or strokes. So it is important to take the necessary steps to stay in time. But if not...! In this case, Guava can help you very well. In fact, the role of magnesium nerve in it plays a special role in reducing stress through stress reduction.
11. Increases heart capacity:
This fruit plays a key role in controlling blood pressure by keeping the sodium and potassium level ticks in the body, not only this, but also helps to keep the heart healthy by reducing the levels of triglycerides and harmful cholesterol. So those who have a history of high blood pressure and heart disease, start eating Guava regularly, see good results.

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